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Humberto Márquez was born in Colotlán, in the Mexican state of Jalisco, in 1925. He moved to Mexico City where he worked as a printing assistant at the Taller de Gráfica Popular under the tutelage of Luis Arenal Bastar. After high school, he joined the Mexican Air Force in 1943, graduating as a second lieutenant. He worked as an air maintenance manager and was called to form part of the Squadron 201 in 1945 to serve for the remainder of World War II. After returning, he deserted the Mexican army for what he later described in his journal as ‘ideological reasons’. On the recommendation of Pablo O’Higgins, he relocated to the United States where he worked at the Graphic Arts Workshop in San Francisco with Gloria and Jules Heller. From there he traveled through Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia. He returned to Mexico and worked at the printing press Madero for Vicente Rojo. He realized sculptures and projects for monuments and churches. He designed maquettes for monuments for the Squadron
201, la Ruta de la Amistad (Route of Friendship) in Mexico City and the Polyforum Siqueiros where he was introduced to David Álfaro
Siqueiros. He worked as Siqueiros’ assistant until the two had an irreparable argument and subsequent falling out. He then moved to
Berlin where he worked for his remaining years as an architect. He died in obscurity in 2013.

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